December 17: Eight Days Until Christmas

Read: Luke 1:67-80

“And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins.” (Luke 1: 76-77)

Have you ever had a secret that you were not allowed to tell? Maybe it was a secret about a surprise birthday party, or a special Christmas present for Grandma. What if it was something that your friends or family had been waiting to do for a long time and you were the only one that knew about it? What if all of a sudden you COULDN’T tell them?

Well, that is what happened to Zechariah. The whole country of Israel had been waiting for hundreds of years for the Messiah to come to bring them salvation. Zechariah was going about his business in the temple when all of a sudden an angel appeared and told him that waiting was over! But Zechariah didn’t believe him. Then he was literally made speechless because of his unbelief! Can you imagine the anxiety he felt? He wanted to tell the good news to everyone, but he couldn’t.

Zechariah could write notes, but how many people can you tell at one time with a note written on a slate? The whole nation of Israel was going to be affected by this news. By the time the baby was born, Zechariah was probably bursting with excitement!

The long awaited Messiah was coming at last! Zechariah’s son was going to prepare the way for everyone to be saved!

Talk about it:

Try to be silent for 15 minutes. During that time, have each member of your family write or draw a picture to Jesus or someone else as a “Thank you.”

Talk about a time when you had some exciting news to tell. Was it about a new baby, a new pet, an award, or a winning game?
